Pickup Doodie


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$0.00 /week

What happens when there is extreme weather conditions?

Dogs keep making their messes all year long, and our company continues to clean up and remove dog waste throughout all seasons. We’ll work in most weather,but heavy rain or a declared State of Emergency can stop us. If there is more than an inch of rain or the unlikely event of snow, we will postpone that day’s service until the next day or two.

What type of equipment do you use?

What type of Deodorizer/Disinfectant do you use? Is it safe for my children/ pets?

Will you clean my yard with my dog outside?

What if you cannot get into my yard?

How will you get in my gate if it is locked?

Can you work with our dog/dogs in the yard?

How do I pay you?

What are my responsibilities to maintain service?

Do You Require A Contract?

What is you “Satisfaction Guaranteed” Policy?

What do you do with the dog waste?